Water Solubility

GOHSENOL™: Basic Properties

Water solubility 1

Water solubility of GOHSENOL™ varies by grade.

Water solubility 2

Water solubility of GOHSENOL™ varies by grade.

   Polymerization value(Viscosity)
  Low ⇒ High 
Saponification value
  Ktype ⇒ Gtype ⇒Ntype
Cold water solubility ↘ ↘
Hot water solubility ↘ ↙


N type: Only swells and barely dissolves in cold water, but dissolves in hot water (90°C or higher).

G and K types: Dissolves in cold water. For faster dissolution, heating is recommended. For the K type, white turbidity or precipitation occurs at high temperatures due to the cloud point phenomenon.

Properties of GOHSENOL™ Aqueous Solutions

Aqueous solution viscosity (N type, 20°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (N type, 40°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (N type, 60°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (G type, 20°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (G type, 40°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (G type, 60°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (K type, 20°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (K type, 40°C)

Aqueous solution viscosity (K type, 60°C)

Specific gravity of aqueous solutions

Surface tension of aqueous solutions

Solubility in water-methanol mixtures

GOHSENOL™ also dissolves in a mixed solvent of water and lower alcohol at low concentrations. It dissolves more easily in solvents of high alcohol concentration at lower saponification and lower polymerization.
