• For General and Chemical Trading Companies whose customers include manufacturers who want to add extra functionality to paper and manufacturers who are developing biodegradable films

For General and Chemical Trading Companies

We support you in proposing functional polyvinyl alcohols to your customers!
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Do you have any of the following needs?

  • Hoping to promote product development under a new theme to customers
  • Planning to propose switching from an intermediate material provided to customers to a material from another supplier

Mitsubishi Chemical has a solution!

We can offer a wide variety of functional polyvinyl alcohols for your proposals.

We have focused on the development of applications using specially modified PVOH, which provides new functions to GOHSENOL™.
We have developed GOHSENX™ and Nichigo G-Polymer™ as specialty brands with higher added value, which have established themselves as indispensable materials for special applications.

These brands can achieve a performance that was difficult to achieve with the conventional GOHSENOL™ series, thereby providing high added value to customer products.

We resolve social issues and customer requirements with our product development capabilities and flexible adaptivity that satisfy diverse needs.

Feeling uncertain in making proposals due to a lack of specialized knowledge...

Feel safe!
Mitsubishi Chemical also supports you in making proposals to customers!

  • Attendance in business meetings

    Attendance in business meetings

    Our staff can attend your business meetings to support you in making proposals to your customers with in-depth product knowledge.
  • Support for preparation of proposal sheets

    Support for preparation of proposal sheets

    We can also support specialized parts in proposal sheets when you make proposals using our products.

Tailoring our recommendations to suit your specific applications and desired performance, we propose the optimal functional polyvinyl alcohol products for your needs!

Click here for inquiries / quotation requests
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